Thursday, October 18, 2012

Awesome Exhibition

At certain times I get treated to a phenomenon when I’m outdoors that is simultaneously exciting and intimidating. It’s exciting because I sense, in the deepest core of my being, some approaching event that prickles the back of my neck. The air seems to crackle with nascent energy. Something fascinating is about to happen! It’s also intimidating for many of the same reasons: the atmosphere is pregnant with the expectation that something awesome is about to transpire, and it just may even be harmful.

The first sign of this particular phenomenon is a subtle but dramatic transformation in my aural environment. Mother Nature’s background soundscape has been running along, continuously and calmly, lulling me into a relaxed state, with ambient sounds flowing gently through my mind. It’s so constant and soothing that I hardly notice it.

But then a change abruptly but subtly occurs. Something different is impending. The repetitive wave of aural activities that has been flowing along—the wafting of the wind, the twitter of birds, the chatter of insects—ceases. The abrupt termination of these sounds is what first captures my attention. What is going on? What do the little critters sense, that I don’t? A hush prevails, followed by a quiet, steady, distant whooshing sound, that is much more even and constant than what was happening before. It’s as if someone had clicked on a high-powered fan, far off in the woods.

It’s very unwavering, as it drones through the trees, and seems to be coming towards me, ever so slowly and relentlessly. Nature’s usual sounds fluctuate, and my ear becomes familiarized by that variation. This new sound seizes my attention; if only because of its stark and almost ominous steadiness. Is this why the critters silenced themselves?

Hmmm… is this really a natural event coming my way? Could it be wind? Or is it manmade? An airplane, maybe? Then I notice that it gradually and relentlessly is growing louder. Hmmm… that’s when the intimidating part begins to tickle the back of my neck. The sound seems powerful and unfaltering, as it relentlessly marches my way. Should I be scared? Is something far more powerful than I about to invade? Transfixed, and with no idea of how to take evasion, I await its coming.

Then, just a moment before it strikes, I finally realize that it’s an advancing wall of rain. What I’ve been hearing is the white noise of jillions of raindrops splashing on tree leaves; relentlessly coming ever closer. Then I abruptly become engulfed in the rain. The delightful—and even comforting—sound of nature’s cleansing and renewing process surrounds me.

Had the rain been preceded by thunder and wind, I’d have instantly known what was approaching. There were none of these warning sounds this time, however—just the steady sound of the approaching wall of water. I’m relieved that it’s not an alien spaceship from far out in the galaxy… it’s just another blessing from Mother Nature.

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