Monday, August 9, 2021

Explanation of Existence

Humans have perennially wondered about what is the meaning of their existence. Some typical questions we pose: What's it all about, Alfie? What's the meaning of life? Is there a purpose for it all? What am I doing here? Where am I going? 

These questions fall into the category of existential wonderings, and like many philosophical questions, there is no definitive, final, or universal answer for them. Depending upon one's belief system or perspective on life, several different responses to those questions can be offered. Here are a few—predicated on several different viewpoints.

The Theist: To follow the precepts and prescriptions of God's commandments and the instructions of priests; often to endure the vicissitudes of life's struggles, in order eventually to enjoy an idyllic and eternally blissful afterlife... if one is judged to have behaved righteously.

The Atheist: To accept the fact that there is no meaning to life (especially as described by theists) and that religious morals are baseless. One comes to value what can be acquired through the fulfillment of what the intellectual life has to offer; here and now.

The Naturalist or Pantheist: We simply are—including all animals and plants. If there is any meaning to existence, it is just to open to the wonder of the universe, realize our connection to it all, and revel in its beauty and our fortune to be alive and able to appreciate it.

The Eastern Philosopher: One's destiny and meaning is a function of one's ability to realize and act upon the messages taught by the ancient sages. One's full realization is found in aligning oneself with the harmony of the cosmos and seeking affinity with other beings.

The Western Philosopher: Meaning is found by seeking the insights of wise Western teachers who discovered deep truths about existence, and applying them to one's life, through the acquisition and appreciation of these truths, to guide one's choices.

The Western Capitalist: To acquire wealth and power and thus realize the pleasures of existence through control of one's destiny, without the need for assistance by the state or for widespread cooperation. Life is a competitive, individual win/lose game.

The Marxist: To educate the masses about their exploitation by capitalists, so they will rise up and cast off the yoke of oppression. The masses can then realize a fulfilled, peaceful existence, by gaining control of their lives and participating in an equal society.

The Hedonist: To revel in the pursuit of pleasure and to enjoy sensual self-indulgence. To luxuriate in the delights of libidinous existence, unconcerned about the future.

The Poor: Simply strive to survive today, with little ability to ponder the meaning of existence.

Jerry Garcia (lead guitarist for the Grateful Dead): To have fun.

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