Monday, May 26, 2014

Carnal Cardinals

I have written several times about our resident pair of cardinals. I particularly enjoy watching their antics because they are the only two cardinals on the homestead, they are beautiful (especially the bright red male), and I can easily tell poppa from momma—so when I spot one of them I know that it's the same bird that I watched yesterday, last week, the last few years.

The pair is monogamous—they've fostered a few dozen broods over the years. (Cardinals in the wild—especially those who dine at well-stocked feeders—may live for up to 16 years!) Our resident cardinals often accompany each other around the clearing. Their behavior varies during the year, and is especially interesting to watch as the breeding season comes along. The male needn't worry about who he'll mate with, so he can forgo the competitive antics of other male birds, who must woo a mate. He rules the clearing—this is his lady. His fiefdom is secure. Their spring nuptial dance is fascinating to watch.

They are on intimate and familiar terms. Their communication is smooth and sure. Their language can be subtle—requiring only the most understated chipping sounds; like a long-time married pair of humans, who can get their point across with a brief look, a nod of head, and even finishing each other's sentences.

I recently watched our pair of cardinals at the feeder. During the fall and winter they literally ignore each other when they feed, but as breeding season comes on, they interact much more—chipping at each other, darting towards the other, with the male occasionally feeding her. As I observed their spring frolics recently, I imagined the following conversation between them.

She: Yeah, I know you're in a randy mood right now, but I'm more interested in my evening meal. (Later:) Where should we hide this year's nest? I wasn't very happy about last year's location. I didn't feel all that secure while I was brooding.

He: You pick the location then. Just don't make it too far from the feeder. Hey, baby, how about a little smooch?

She: Later, Romeo. Are you gonna slack off on nest building again this year, or can I count on more help from you?

He: Don't worry... I'll be there. What say we fly off and grab some juicy bugs? I'm getting tired of these sunflower seeds, day after day. Why can't those humans give us a little variety?

She: You don't appreciate me enough. Remember when you regurgitated a whole beak full of seeds and fed them to me? It was so sweet.

He: Well, if you insist. Get ready for a French kiss. Hey! What was that?! I just heard a testosterone-pumped guy singing down by the creek! This is my empire! I won't stand for this intrusion. You stay right here.. I'll be back soon.

The male flies off and begins singing loudly and imperiously, off towards the creek. The potential intruder's call fades off into the woods. The mating dance will again resume.

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